July/August Round Up

Hello all! Sorry it’s been so quiet around here lately – July and August have been mega busy with work/life stuff.

Below is a list of I have watched/read/enjoyed over the last two months that won’t get individual spots on the blog. Hope you’re all having a great summer!

Where I should be right now

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Culture Vulture (Or: Meanwhile, on the Internets)

Good day to you all! Sadly, the weather here in the UK is a little more uneven this week than the glorious sunshine we had last week but summer is definitely here!

This week’s bag of internet goodness below…

Lots of interesting opinions on what is ‘literary’ and Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch in this article. I for one am still excited to read it…

A bookish alternative to the World Cup, courtesy of Penguin!

Pretty Little liars are back and so are the Forever Young Adult recaps – huzzah!

My friend kindly directed me to this blog post about the first UK YA Lit Con – it looks awesome, is anyone going?

Interesting and controversial article about adults reading YA literature. I don’t agree with the views expressed, but I do think reading a decent range of different types of books is good for you as a reader. What do you think?

Really interesting article about caring for our West End Theatres.

And lastly, I LOVE this list of things Coach Taylor has taught us. Clear eyes…

Culture Vulture (Or: Meanwhile, on the Internets)

It’s linkage time again. Apologies for the gap since the last link post – I was off enjoying myself on holiday!

Here are some things I’ve been enjoying on the internet recently:

I got turned on to Jill and Kate (I can’t remember where from, sorry!) and they are GREAT, you guys. Check out their YouTube channel here. Their tour of the UK is almost up, but fingers crossed they come back soon!

Seven tips to help you read more!

I’m not ashamed to admit that I have already pre-ordered my copy of Amy Poehler’s Book, Yes Please. Is it October yet?

Thinking a lot about Community lately, as it has been cancelled. I think I might agree with Anne‘s thoughts on its cancellation but have been relieving some glory moments. I love that someone spotted this joke. It sums up to me what’s best about the show.

I LOVED this video about doing visual comedy a la Edgar Wright. As a huge Spaced fan, I appreciate all his cleverness.

I have recently become totally obsessed with The Good Wife. Are you watching it? You should be!

I was really sad to hear about Maya Angelou passing away last week. This photo set is lovely and along with this video from Sesame Street really sums up her generosity of spirit for me.

Culture Vulture (Or: Meanwhile, on the Internets)

Hellooooo! Time to link to some excellent stuff from elsewhere in the internet.

I am enjoying the Ryan Gosling/Macaulay Culkin T-shirt madness a bit too much.

Speaking of t-shirts, I have already bought two of Out of Print’s lovely shirts and helped send some books with Books for Africa!

How cute is this?

I am sadly too old for this, but it’s a brilliant opportunity via IdeasTap and A Younger Theatre. Check it out, young writers.

How many of these romantic comedies have you seen? I got 116 out of 200. I don’t know whether I’m pleased about that or not…

Following my Spice Girls throwback a couple of weeks ago, I really loved this article on Spice Girls merchandise.

Lastly, Eurovision was amazing as usual at the weekend. All hail Conchita, the very deserving winner!

Culture Vulture (Or: Meanwhile, on the Internets)

Here is this week’s collection of awesome things I’ve spied around the web…

It makes me feel exceedingly old to know that Mean Girls is now 10 years old. Relive some glory moments here

I love this and it’s so accurate!

There are still tickets available for Caitlin Moran‘s How to Build a Girl tour. She is AMAZING, so go grab them while you can!

Loved this interview with TV Critic Emily Nussbaum

I really agree with this post from Chapter TK about the power of books and reading

Emma Stone continues to be queen of my heart

Following yesterday’s review, watch these NT platforms ‘Talking Lear’, parts 1, 2 and 3.


And a bit early, but wishing you an excellent Bank Holiday weekend!

Culture Vulture (Or: Meanwhile, on the Internets)

Roll call time! This week’s round up of links below. Wishing you all a happy Easter/long weekend!

Fred Astaire in Easter Parade

My love of Dawson’s Creek has already been documented. Read Kevin Williamson, the series creator, talk about his experiences writing for the show and his thoughts on the final episode.

I sort of maybe totally hero-worship Martha Plimpton. I’m super excited to see Other Desert Cities at The Old Vic and loved this article featuring all three actresses in the play: Claire Higgins, Sinead Cusack and Martha Plimpton. Acting titans!

Emma Stone has been being completely adorable about the Spice Girls. I know just how she feels.

The Olivier Awards were on Sunday. Here are the list of winners. So thrilled for Ghosts; it was amazing!

Here are 16 teen show soundtracks that defined your life. I’m not ashamed to admit I owned several of these…

And finally…

Eleanor and Park will be a movie!

Culture Vulture (or: Meanwhile, on the Internets)

Happy Thursday everyone! It seems astonishing that it’s April already and that Easter is just around the corner. Phew, time goes fast sometimes.

This week’s little collection of links below:

Can you believe it’s been 15 YEARS since The Matrix first came out? Man, do I feel old now. Read Vulture’s dissection of the film and why it’s still a groundbreaker.

This month is National Poetry Writing Month (or, the catchier NaPoWriMo). The challenge is 30 poems in 30 days. Not sure I can quite manage that, but I think I should try writing a few, in honour of the challenge! Take a look at all the sites that are taking part.

For the dance fans amongst you, the Royal Ballet has announced its new season programming. I’m most excited about ZooNation‘s The Mad Hatter’s T Party and Woolf Works, the first full length ballet for the RB from Wayne McGregor. How about you?

I’m very excited to be going to see Other Desert Cities at The Old Vic in a couple of weeks and I loved this great article with its three formidable and uber-talented leading ladies.

Finally, I loved this chat between two of my favourite contemporary YA writers: Megan McCafferty and Sarah Dessen, as part of a joint series between Megan and Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls, called Ask! Authors! Anything! The next guest will be Laurie Halse Anderson, who wrote the astounding Speak.

Culture Vulture (Or: Meanwhile, on the Internets)

Hello lovelies! Can it be that time again? Why yes! See below for some awesome stuff I’ve been checking out over the last few weeks.

I saw the Veronica Mars movie this week, which was AMAZING (review coming this Saturday). Check out the awesome Sarah Dessen‘s adorable fan experience at the premiere and Anne T. Donahue‘s totally accurate list of things to learn from the movie [mild spoilers ahoy!]

Simpsons & I love this. No other explanations needed.

The advice from Rookie is always so sage and helpful. This guide to getting going with writing is wonderful and inspiring.

Can’t stop listening to Coldplay’s version of Gravity.

I really enjoyed Perpetual Page Turner‘s post on being a mood reader and can totally relate. I definitely need to be in a specific mood to read different things.

Culture Vulture (Or: Meanwhile, on the internets)

Hello lovely people! Happy Thursday to one and all. The sun is shining here in London and the temperature is ever so slightly warmer, so naturally everyone is walking around in jackets or no coat whatsoever. British Springtime is officially here!

Onto our round up of lovely internet things…

If you’re a fan of ABC Family’s Pretty Little Liars (and how could you not be? Terror, disguises, backstabbing, bizarre fashions and perfect hair – a winning combo if ever there was one) you should definitely be reading Forever Young Adult‘s hilarious recaps. These girls sum up my feelings in a spookily exact way. THEY’RE SO RIGHT, YOU GUYS.

Watch Oscar winner Steve McQueen literally jump for joy after winning Best Picture last Sunday.

I am super excited for the awesome Michael B. Jordan to get his flame on as Johnny Storm in the new Fantastic Four movie (an FNL alum!) To add more excitement to the pile, he might be joined by the excellent Miles Teller and Jamie Bell.

I just got my hands on my copy of The Circle, the newest book by Dave Eggers and I’m itching to get started on it. A review will be forthcoming, but in the meantime, see what The Guardian has to say and go explore the world of McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. You won’t be sorry.

Seriously tempted to buy tickets to What Would Beyonce Do?, Luisa Omielan‘s stand up show for the Destiny Child/Beyonce references alone. Honestly.